The CircleBlack-Riskalyze integration allows Advisors to utilize single sign-on to seamlessly view and analyze Risk Numbers for Households, Accounts, Groups, and Models within CircleBlack.
Setting Up the Integration
To set up the integration you will need to connect your Riskalyze and CircleBlack accounts. You only need to do this once and they will remain connected.
Log in to CircleBlack and click on the ‘gear’ icon in the top right corner, then click on Integrations:
Click on the Riskalyze logo on the Integrations page:
Then click the Login button to login to your Riskalyze account:
A Riskalyze window will display where you can enter your credentials:
Then, click “Yes, I authorize this request” in the following window, and the integration will be established! You will be taken back to CircleBlack.
Linking Households from CircleBlack to Riskalyze
To link a Household in CircleBlack to Riskalyze, navigate to the desired Household’s Dashboard and click the Analyze Risk button the Risk tile.
If you do not have any clients created in Riskalyze, CircleBlack will push our account data to Riskalyze and Riskalyze will send back a Risk number to CircleBlack which we’ll display in the “Actual” Risk Number icon.
If you have existing clients in Riskalyze, ensure the Household in CircleBlack has the same email as the Client in Riskalyze – this way our two systems can correctly match the clients and map the data. To verify if the Household has an email in CircleBlack, click the “expand” icon on the Household Info tile. When you click the Analyze Risk button, CircleBlack and Riskalyze will synch the CircleBlack Household and Riskalyze client.
If your existing client has a Risk Target Number, that will also get pulled in to CircleBlack once you’ve clicked Analyze Risk.
One final point: once the Analyze Risk button has been clicked once, it will stay synched and update every night going forward. That way, if you make changes in to a household’s portfolio, their Risk Number will automatically be updated and reflect the portfolio’s actual risk.
Integration Features
Once a Household is linked with Riskalyze you can see the Target Risk and Risk Numbers® for the entire portfolio, individual accounts, and groupings of accounts on their respective Dashboards pages as well as in lists of Households and Accounts.
Riskalyze follows the 0-100 scale and we show a Risk Alert if the Household's Target and Actual Risk numbers are not in alignment. For example, if a household's target Risk number falls in Riskalyze's "Conservative" category but their actual portfolio's risk number is in Growth/Income or Aggressive category, then the Risk alert will be "Too High". Another example: if their actual portfolio risk is in the Growth/Income range but their target is in the Aggressive range, then the Risk alert will be "Too Low".
Single Sign On (SSO)
Once the integration has been established you can access Riskalyze through CircleBlack using Single Sign On by going to Analyze → Risk. You will have full access to Riskalyze within the CircleBlack I-Frame:
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